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Monday, May 20, 2013

Reflections of PEI

Last June, I made an unexpected visit to the beautiful province of Prince Edward Island. It was a last-minute getaway on my birthday weekend, a real treat for me as I'd never been to any of our maritime provinces before. My dear friend Lori made all the arrangements and it was a wonderful birthday experience, although it was odd to celebrate my birthday without the captain being present.

I took many, many photographs but really haven't paid them much attention. It was shortly after this trip that I upgraded my camera and purchased new lenses -- a much-appreciated birthday gift from the captain -- and so all my concentration immediately shifted to the photos I was capturing with my new Nikon.

Recently, I've been looking through those images and thought I'd share a few here on the blog. After spending some time with these photos, I'm eager to return to PEI.

As always, you can click on the photos if you want to see them a wee bit bigger.

1 comment:

Leslie Jane Moran said...

That school photo is very intriguing. It's mysterious and a bit ghostly to me. All those little souls that attended Canoe Cove. How romantic.

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