You may recall a very cute photograph I posted of Tippi a few days ago, with a red and white vinyl toy. Much to my amusement now, I titled that blog post, This toy is still in one piece. Silly me. This is what the toy looked like last night:

Yes, she was in the midst of demolishing it. By the time we went to bed, this is all that was left:

Fast forward to this morning. Here's what was going on in my house:

And later today, this:

And in case you're interested, she finished her demolition project this afternoon.
Indestructable toys. Right now, I heart indestructable toys.
Your dog is beautiful! Aren't they a handful?? My first dog when I was a kid was named Tippi.
This is sooooo funny!
O.K. I've keep reading about Janet Evanovich. So today went out a found one in my stack of stuff to read. I'll let you all know how I like it.
I have destructo boy -- the only toy he can't destroy is his kong, but they aren't too fun to chew. Let me know if you find some fun indestructables!
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