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Thursday, June 26, 2008

A boulder in Boulder

Ha! I crack myself up sometimes. This photo really is a boulder in Boulder. Back when I had the glamourous job (cough, cough) as the editor of a computer magazine here in Canada, I ventured out to Colorado to tour the production facilities of a popular hard-drive manufacturer. They wined and dined all the journalists they had invited, including treating us to dinner in Boulder. As the rest of my crazy much-more-energenic-than-me colleagues ventured off on a mountain hike before dinner (really, they did), I hung around the bottom, taking pictures and trying to get as much oxygen into my lungs as possible. The air is thin up there!

Totally changing the topic now -- are you a potato ho? I mean, do you really love potatoes? If so, surf on over to Noble Pig and join the Potato Ho-Down. Really. You'll be glad you did.

And unexpected topic change #2. For all you Canadians out there -- so sorry, my American friends, but these are only-in-Canada -- I have a new favourite junk food. But they are available, according to the box, for a limited time only. Damn you, Vachon! I want you to add these "orange sorbet" Flakies to your permanent product line. I love these flaky pastries filled with orange cream and am sure I will need a continuous supply. On second thought, my hips probably don't need them. Rats.

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