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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


1. state and randolph, 2. the yellow wall, 3. by the tracks, 4. green lawn chair, 5. independence day, 6. red stripes, 7. mercury, 8. krispy kreme doughnuts, 9. kew beach gull, 10. motel 9

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. For me, one of my biggest weaknesses is a shyness about self-promotion. It's just not something that falls within my comfort zone. But I'm brushing aside that awkwardness because I'm really proud of some recent attention I've received and want to share it with all of you. Even better, freebies are involved!

Here's the scoop. Last month, a Canadian design blog I greatly admire, Poppytalk, held their annual Summer Colours Week. I submitted some photographs for consideration, without holding out much hope that any would be picked. So when one of my photos was picked for Yellow Day, I was absolutely tickled. I even blogged about it. But then, the next day, Green Day, saw another one of my photos picked! I was too embarrassed to blog about it again (despite the urging of some friends who told me to do so), so I didn't. The following day, Red and White Day, saw two of my photos chosen, then two were chosen for Blue Day, then finally, two were chosen for Red White and Blue Day. At this point I was totally overwhelmed. It was a Sally Field moment ("....I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me").

Meanwhile, it had also come to my attention that the United States Mission in Geneva was holding a photographic competition based on the theme, "American Streetscapes". If there's one thing I have photographed frequently, it's the streets of America! The winning photographs would be featured on the Mission's Independence Day poster. I submitted photographs late in the competition, with no illusions whatsoever that I would be chosen. And while none of my photos were chosen to be showcased on the poster, two of my photos were selected to be showcased at the Mission itself. Gobsmacked, I tell you ... I was gobsmacked. (Those two photos are "state and randolph" and "by the tracks"; if you look at those images on Flickr, you will see the comment left by the Mission.)

While the links to all these photographs on Flickr are above, these images are also available for purchase in my online store; have a peek HERE to see my Recently Added gallery where all 10 images can be found. The only one that's been altered is the photograph of the American flag; instead of turning it into a "Happy 4th of July" card, I have created it as a "Welcome Home" card especially suitable to give to returning military personnel. (I haven't forgotten my fellow Canadians; in my online shop you will find an identical card featuring the Maple Leaf instead of Old Glory!)

Now for the good part! Please leave me a comment here telling me which one of these 10 images is your favourite, and I will mail you that image on a greeting card! It's my little way of expressing my thanks to all of you for continuing to support my creative efforts. I need to be able to reach you to get your mailing address, so please leave your email information in your comment (if you don't want to put your contact email in your comment, you can email me privately at alphabetsoupstudioATyahooDOTca with your mailing address). I hope you find one you really like!


Heloise said...

Many congratulations, you must be so pleased.

Heatherfeather said...

Oh your photos are so nice! Congrats Lennie! I think I like the top left photo the best, with the clock and the yellow glow.. although I can't help but loving the one with the bird sitting on top of the lamp.

You can get to my email via the contact me on my blog (click my name to get there) :)

Lost Aussie said...

Congratulations Lennie. The images you have posted are all super!

Marty Mason said...

First things first....your work is wonderful and I'm thrilled that you are getting the public attention you deserve. While all 10 images are wonderful, I think my favorite is #9 "kew beach gull". Thanks for sharing.

I am

Leslie Jane Moran said...

I'm voting for number ONE. Since I was there and it was such a good excursion.

I need orange said...

Lennie!!!! Of course you should tell us all your exciting news.

We want to celebrate with you!!!!!


I love that Kew gull, too, but, in the end, have to go for State and Randolph.

I have a pic with some of the same feeling which has the Chrysler Building in NYC. I'll have to look at it with new eyes and see what sort of manipulation it needs.


Vicki vln at umich dot edu

martha brown said...

W0W Lennie -- congratulations! It's a toss up between "mercury" and Kew Beach Gull... but the gull one is my fave. Loving the Beach and all.....

Marilyn said...

Congratulations Lennie. What a compliment. I love your photos of "America" - the vintage signs, etc.
Okay, I have a passion for doors, so I have to say the yellow building with black door is my absolute fave! I'll email you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Lennie, all of them are beautiful, but my favorite is the yellow wall and then of course the Krispy Kream one as I love those little devils. (I hope this didn't post twice, having trouble posting here.)

Karen Boatright

starseasons said...

Lennie, how exciting for you. And many, many congrats to you. And yes you should tell us all about it.

I like the kew beach gull. And Thanky you.

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